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How Smart Predictive Keyboard Is Changing the Way You Communicate

You have seen hundreds of messages going around social media where people make fun of the distorted knowledge your phone has collected from you in the form of predictive text. Typing faster by hitting as less number of keys as possible is the basis of predictive texting and there are many different types of smart predictive keyboard apps available for your smartphone, which works on the basis of letter-wise or word-wise prediction.

What is Predictive Text? Predictive text is an input tool where one button or key throws possibilities of many letters such as on the numeric keypads of mobile phones and in accessibility technologies. And each key press results in a prediction rather than frequently sequencing over and done with the same group of letters it represents, in the same invariable order.

There are two types of text predictors:

  • Directory-Based Text Predictors: It relies on a dictionary and suggests words or corrections based on the dictionary.

  • On-Dictionary Predictors: This text predictor predicts based on the statistics and the probability of a certain letter to be a prefix to a word.

How to Train Predictive Text? It is simple enough to train your devices according to vocabulary. If a person texts a word several times without actually adding it to the dictionary, the operating system use some ways to learn. If you are correct or if you replace the word that the predictive keyboard has suggested, it’ll understand that it was a mistake. And if you ignore the suggestion and stick to your own word, then the operating system will assume it’s not a misspelling. And if you ignore the word suggestion four times or more than your keyboard will mark it as a future probable choice and start presenting you with it when you type similar words or sentences.

Can You Predict The Future? Many people say that predictive text and auto-correction options have made life easy for millennials who are always on the go and cant’s share information fast enough, and there are some people who say that the simplicity of picking words rather than thinking about them first is making people forget to write. The predictive text involves matching the user’s chosen interface style, the user’s level of learned capability to operate predictive text software and the user’s efficiency goal. And smart predictive keyboard, with respect to mobile phones and computers, get smarter as it analyses your language.

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